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About us


Executive Director of the Foundation

11800 South Country Club Drive
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83404-7848 USA




May 1988, Ph.D., THEORETICAL PHYSICS, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.


August 1978,  Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY.  ( MSME and Graduate Courses in Numerical Analysis )


1974 – 1981 Graduate Physics Courses, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Graduate Courses in Nuclear Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, University of Miami, Miami, FL.


December  1973, Bachelor of Science, Physics, State University of New York at Albany, Albany, NY.



Post Graduate Studies:


    U.S. Particle Accelerator School(s);



( 1 ) 1991 – Particle Optics Course, Univ. of Ill., Urbana, Ill.


( 2 ) 1992 – Beam Stability Course, Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA.


( 3 ) 1993 – ( a ) Physics of Intense Particle Beams, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.


( b ) Radiation from Relativistic Electron Beams, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.






1971 -1973  RESEARCH ASSISTANT, State University of New York at Albany, Nuclear Accelerator  Laboratories, Albany, NY. ( Experimental Low Energy Nuclear Physics Research )



1974 -1975  TECHNICAL COMPUTER ANALYST, Florida Power and Light Corp., Computer Systems and Programming Engineering Section,  Miami, FL.



1975  -1984  PHYSICIST, COMPUTER SCIENCE ANALYST, and NUCLEAR ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York.



Summer of 1981 SCIENTIST on LOAN from Brookhaven National Laboratory to Los Alamos  National Laboratory, Applied Theoretical Division, Group X-1, Los Alamos, NM.



1981 -1983 CONSULTANT to Los Alamos National Laboratory, Applied Theoretical Division, Group X-1, and CTR Division, Groups CTR-6 and CTR-2, Los Alamos, NM.



1982 -1983 CONSULTANT  to Scientific Measuring Systems, Inc. ( “SMSI” ) of Austin, Texas. As a consultant for SMSI, Dr. Makowitz assisted in developing non-destructive testing systems utilizing low energy 3-D gamma ray imaging.



1984 -1986 SENIOR ANALYST,  Nuclear Science and Engineering,  Cray Research, Inc., Mendota  Heights, MN.  ( Provided World-Wide Support for Nuclear Software Activities. )



1987 -1989 SCIENTIFIC SPECIALIST, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Energy and Space Analysis Methods Unit, Nuclear Reactor Research and Tech. Dept., Idaho Falls, ID.



1989 -1994  SCIENTIFIC SPECIALIST, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Physics and Mathematics Group and Condensed Matter Research Unit, Idaho Falls, ID



Oct. 1, 1994 – Nov. 1, 1998  ADVISORY SCIENTIST/ENGINEER,  Physics and Materials, Idaho National  Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Lockheed  Martin Idaho Technologies Company (LMITCO), Idaho Falls, ID.  ( Preformed studies for a Laboratory wide Heavy Ion Fusion-Ion Cancer Treatment Medical R & D Program and the development of High Field HiTc Magnets for Magnetic Fusion. )




Nov. 1, 1998 – Present  EXEC. VICE PRESIDENT for R & D, President and CEO, Imagineering Technologies Inc., and H. Makowitz and Associates Inc. Idaho Falls, ID. Executive Director of the “IMAGINE “A CURE” CANCER TREATMENT RESEARCH FOUNDATION Inc.”



Academic Roles



ADJUNCT PROFESSOR, College of Engineering, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID. ( Nov.1986 – Nov. 1997 ). Was A MEMBER of the INEEL/ISU Nuclear Science Ph.D. PROGRAM TEACHING FACULTY.  Has supervised one graduate student’s work for his Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering. Has also supervised a MS level Mathematics Summer Intern and a MS/PhD level physics graduate student.


AFFILIATE PROFESSOR, Physics Department, Idaho State University (June 1990 – Nov. 1997). Has taught Solid State Physics upper division/graduate level course, a survey course with an emphasis on High Tc Superconductivity. Has collaborated with an experimental faculty member on  developing a research program to study the Navier Stokes shear interface problem for both normal and super fluids.



Presentations and Publications:


Has published extensively in the fields of Nuclear Science, Technology and Physics. Has 109 publications, ranging from proceedings, journals, books, meetings, transactions, and laboratory reports. Has 9 refereed articles in scientific journals. Has lectured nationally and internationally at Universities and R & D Centers. Has held a number of national and international committee posts in the ANS and APS. Has been a member of the ANS, IANS, APS, and IEEE. He is presently a member of and active in the IANS, a member of the ANS and APS, and an associate member of SEG. He has been the Editor for the IANS Newsletter and other IANS Publications in 2009, 2010 and 2011.


Summary of Areas of Expertise :


Dr. Henry Makowitz is a classically trained theoretical physicist and computational scientist as well as an experienced research scientist in a number of basic and applied research disciplines. These include :


* X-Ray Tomography and Neutron Imaging


* Nuclear Medicine Related Cancer Research


* Bio-Physics and Genetics of Cancer


* Mechanical Engineering

— Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer

— Numerical Analysis


* Nuclear Engineering

— Neutron Transport and Thermo Hydraulics as well as Two Phase Flow Theory

— Fusion Reactor Design and Engineering ( MFE and ICF )


* Materials Engineering


* Computational Methods Development and 

Group Theory


* Parallel Computing and Quantum Computing


* Plasma Physics and Fusion Related Technologies


* Physics of Superconductivity


* Solid State Physics and Density Functional Theory with MD


* Positron Physics


* Physics of X-Ray Lasers


* Physics of Beams and Accelerator Technology


* Elementary Particle Physics Phenomenology and the Fundamentals of Cosmology


* Decay of Neutral Baryons by Weak Interactions


* Neutrino Oscillations in SM4 and the Standard Model


* Nano-technology as applied to Electronics Devices and Quantum Computing


* Fundamentals of Exploration Geophysics