Foundation Goals
We are committed to advancing the fight against brain cancer. Our mission is to raise donations for cancer research to fund innovative research initiatives that will lead to the development of effective treatments and, ultimately, a cure for this devastating disease.
It is the mission of Imagine ‘A Cure’ Cancer Treatment Research Foundation Inc. to overcome short-sighted views and profit-motivated endeavors and pursue a humanitarian-oriented course of action toward the development of effective treatments.
Our goal
We aim to develop technology, pharmaceuticals, and tools for cancer treatment. This includes pharmaceuticals for the control of radiation susceptibility and resistance, heavy ion beam delivery technology, the development of specialized computers for DNA/RNA repair modeling, and scanners for very high resolution and high-speed cancer detection. The development of new Antibiotics will also be investigated. This is with no regard for any short-term profit-motivated focus or motivation. The Imagine ‘A Cure’ Cancer Treatment Research Foundation Inc. is dedicated to researching and developing long-term science-based solutions.
We are an approved IRS 501(c)(3) private foundation working on the research and development of brain cancer treatment and closely related cancers. Much of our work will have applicability towards the treatment of a wide variety of other cancer types.
The ” IMAGINE “A CURE” CANCER TREATMENT RESEARCH FOUNDATION Inc.” is an approved IRS 501(c)(3) Private Foundation.